
Edelrid wants us to know more about climbing ropes

How much do you know or do you think you know about your climbing rope? It’s the most critical peace of our climbing equipment and yet most of us don’t know much about it.

German climbing gear manufacturer Edelrid is set to change that by helping everyone learn more about climbing ropes. How they are made, from which materials, how to take care of your rope, when to retire it and a lot more. Most climbers think they are familiar enough with ropes because they’ve used a lot of them for years. However many don’t know a thing about rope maintenance for example. “Really, I should wash my rope?”

All the answers are now freely available on Edelrid’s website in the Rope Book. This is a clear and well written resource to anything related to climbing ropes. The “Taking care of your rope” section is a must read and covers all the basis about rope handling, storage and maintenance.

As well as being available on their website, Edelrid is also giving away the Rope Book in physical format with every rope purchased. You don’t have any excuses now, go learn about your rope and practice better and safer climbing.